曲线拟合方法 | 曲线方程表达式 | 所需输入的因子数 |
一阶线性过零拟合 | C=K1×A | K1, r* |
一阶线性拟合 | C=K0+K1×A | K0,K1,r* |
二阶拟合 | C=K0+K1×A+K2×A2 | K0,K1,K2 |
三阶拟合 | C=K0+K1×A+K2×A2+K3×A3 | K0,K1,K2,K3 |
Ÿ 将试验用比色皿或试管用蒸馏水或其他专门的清洗剂清洗干净,并用柔软的棉布或纸巾将其表面的手指印或滴液擦试干净;
Ÿ 将盛参比液的比色皿放入4联手动样品架(紫外可见分光光度计系列)或固定单个样品架(对于双光束紫外可见分光光度计)最靠近你的槽位中,再将推杆向前推到头使比色皿正对光路,关上样品室盖;
Appendix B
Correction Methods
A number of correction techniques can be used to eliminate or reduce interference errors.In general,if the source of the error is known and is consistent from sample to sample.the error can be eliminated.On the other hand,if the source is unkown and varies from sample to sample,the error can be reduced but not eliminated.Correction techniques can always require data from at least two wavelengths. The more sophisticated correction techniques require multiwavelenghth or spectral data.
A.1 Isoabsorbance
When a known interfering component with a known spectrum is present,the error introduced by this component at the analytical wavelength for the target analyte can be eliminated by selecting a reference wavelength at which the interfering compound exhibits the same absorbance as it does at the analytical wavelength.The absorbance at this reference wavelength is subtracted from the absorbance at the analytical wavelength,as shown in Figure A1.The residual absorbance is the ture absorbance of the analyte.
This technique is less reliable when the spectra of the analyte and of the interferent are highly similar.Moreover,it can correct for only one interference